Refresh BigQuery data in Sheets using Apps Script and Macros

Recently the BigQuery data connector was released to enable clients to effectively import information from bigger datasets into Sheets. Presently, you can utilize devices like Apps Script and the large macro recorder to plan automatic updates inside Sheets to the associated BigQuery data.

Reasons to use it

Remain over the best in class information crucial to your business via automatically refreshing the BigQuery information in your sheet.

For instance, you can set sales data to automatically refresh with the goal that it's prepared for analysis toward the start of every day. You can likewise auto-refresh information in preparation of key meetings or introductions that happen on a weekly or monthly basis. Or on the other hand you could set a trigger to auto-refresh your information each time you open the spreadsheet.
This feature will be ON by default.

When you compare data in Sheets and BigQuery, the following procedure should be adopted.

To compare data, you might need to change the data type. For example, if a column is string data in BigQuery, then it must be plain text in Sheets to be compared correctly.If the data type in the spreadsheet and BigQuery are different, you can:

  • Change how the data is formatted in Sheets. For example, data formatted as number could be changed to plain text.
  • Cast the value in a query. For example: WHERE zip_code = CAST(@ZIP AS string) 

Please note

  • When you run a query, your spreadsheet permissions are used, not the spreadsheet owner’s.
  • You can pull up to 10,000 rows per query from BigQuery.
  • You can scan up to 1 TB of data in a single query in Sheets.
  • Data that you pull from BigQuery is read-only.
  • Only standard SQL is supported by BigQuery. 
Record a macro to refresh your data
  • On your computer, open a spreadsheet that contains data connected to BigQuery in Google Sheet.
  • Record a macro from a different tab then the one you want to refresh. 
  • After you start recording, switch to the tab you want to refresh. 
  • At the bottom left, click Refresh.
  • Click Save

Schedule your macro

  • At the top, click Tools > Script editor.
  • At the top, click Edit > Current project’s triggers.
  • At the bottom right, click Add trigger and select your options.
  • Click Save.


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