OverC - Work Flow Management System

Since many CRM users, especially salespeople and any employees who need to have a custom work flow management system ,using Gmail, We have developed a Chrome extensions that provide access to CRM functionality within consumer Gmail and business Gmail (G Suite). A Chrome extension is a software program that adds functionality to the Chrome browser.In fact, the original intent of Google’s developers was for extensions to be minimalist. From a user interface perspective, many extensions are no more than a button on the address bar.
As an example of basic functionality of a CRM Chrome extension, a CRM user can search for records, edit records and add records , get access to departments , submit a petty cash — all without leaving Gmail. 
We have taken it to an entirely new level.
What is OverC ?
OverC is a Google for Work integrated application with which you can manage all your business activities from one place. Applications that you use for various purposes such as customer information and monitoring, IT asset management, petty cash approval, project management, statutory approvals, document management or any other requirement you may have, that you can put into a workflow, could be replaced; instead you can employ OverC that will generate workflows that will serve all your above mentioned needs. No need of installing multiple software on your computer or no more links to remember to navigate other applications to get your things done.
OverC: as flexible as it gets, there’s absolutely no programming involved hence allow the users to create workflows by themselves. Just log into your gmail and you’ll find all your applications in one place. You define the process, you create your own application; all inside your mailbox.
What is Included in the OverC Workflow:
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Petty Cash Management
  • Document Management
  • IT Asset Management
  • Legal Case Management
  • Customer Support Management
  • To-Do List
  • Project Management
and any type of workflow management application you can think of.

Application customization at your choice according to your company need. No more waiting for months, years to get your applications done. All of company processes within few hours.
All your workflows in one Place

Get rid of all your day to day manual processes that require writing and filing papers & docs; spend a little time to document the process, after that it is only a few minutes to create your own application that’ll replace all your manual processes. Even to view a summary of reports, unlike in legacy systems, you need not to draw reports from all over the place. Dashboard reports of all your information from each workflow are available at your fingertips.

        All relevant emails in one place

One might have a great deal of emails exchanged related to multiple projects in their inbox and keep a track of all these email threads could be a pretty tedious task. Now with OverC, you can add all relevant emails into a project and keep a list of all inward and outward emails, this way you won’t a miss a thing.   

All project documents in one place

You may have a profuse of files and documents related to a particular project scattered all over the place. OverC applications allow you to keep all relevant documents to a project attached to each of different projects you may have in a workflow that will prevent you from searching for documents from every nook and corner; now that you have all your documents inside the project.

       Job/task/project status at a glance

You can track the status of your project from the day you started the task to its end date. Status of completion will be shown as a percentage and you need not to dig inside the task to view this.
Add Email reminders

Set reminders to notify you and your team on a particular task or multiple tasks to get things done on time.  

Assign people for tasks

Notifying your team members as and when the need arises, on the move, of tasks assigned to them is simplified with OverC.

User permissions (Read & write / Read only)

Set user permission levels to grant access rights to members even within the team, in order to protect important documents and maintain privacy.

App customization and Unlimited workflows

As mentioned even before, there’s no programming involved in creating any of the workflows. It’s all drag and drops thus the user is not expected to possess technical knowledge of any sort to create a workflow. There are no limitations for the number of workflows or the questions or calculations come under each workflow, therefore the possibilities with OverC are unconfined.
Google security

Your data will be stored in Google's network of data centers. Google maintains a number of geographically distributed data centers. Google's computing clusters are designed with resiliency and redundancy in mind, eliminating any single point of failure and minimizing the impact of common equipment failures and environmental risks.
Google undergoes several independent third party audits on a regular basis to provide  independent verification of security, privacy and compliance controls. This means that an independent auditor has examined the controls present in our data centers, infrastructure and operations. Google solutions have regular audits for the following standards:
(SOC1) (SSAE-16/ISAE-3402), (SOC2) ,(SOC3), ISO27001, HIPAA, FISMA
Since the entire application runs on the Google platform, one can be assured that it is fully compliant with the above mentioned security standards.

                                                    Click here to watch and learn more about OverC


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