These 11 Google Keep Hacks will make your work easy at office : Try Today

Google Keep is a note-taking service developed by Google. Launched on March 20, 2013, Google Keep is available on the web, and has mobile apps for the Android and iOS mobile operating systems. Keep offers a variety of tools for taking notes, including text, lists, images, and audio.
Users can set reminders, which are integrated with Google Now. Text from images can be extracted using optical character recognition, and voice recordings can be transcribed. The interface allows for a single-column view or a multi-column view. Notes can be color-coded, and labels can be applied for organization. Later updates have added functionality to pin notes, and to collaborate on notes with other Keep users in real-time.
1. Time Management and To Do Lists:
This one may seem very obvious, but helping the staff learn how to manage their time and get things done is a very important skill. Google Keep will help help them to track their assignment tasks, set up reminders, so they don’t forget and manage their time in and out of the office premises.
2. Bookmarking (use the Chrome extension)
The Google Keep Chrome extension makes it easy to bookmark a web page and add it to your Google Keep notepad. This is particularly useful for saving relevant websites, tutorials, and resources that need for particular projects and throughout the year.
3. Location-Based Reminders
Not only does Google Keep allow you to set up time and date reminders to remember all of your due dates, but it will also help you remember to complete tasks when you arrive at a certain location.
4. Notes
This may seem like another obvious suggestion but think beyond typical office notes. In Google Keep, workers can jot down quick notes to themselves about a particular subject. They can then share those notes with others in their group or communities . Notes can even be completely collaborative! (Notes are so much more powerful when you share!) Take that one step further when your notes get too long, you can copy over to a Google Doc.
5. Project Management
As we move to more project-based learning initiatives, it is important to help workers and department heads track and manage those projects. With Google Keep, you can easily keep track of each project, tasks, notes, and due dates.
6. Genius Hour
Genius Hour moves beyond just managing projects. Google Keep can help us through each stage of the process.can use Keep for brainstorming ideas, research, drawing a prototype, tracking progress, reminders and due dates, taking notes, reflection and more!
7. Tracking Learning Goals
No matter what you call them, objectives, learning targets, or goals, we all know how important it is to help you understand what they are and recognize success when they reach them. We can create notes and lists of learning goals for a particular unit and share with the the rest of people. Also we can then refer to these throughout the unit, confer with their project managers to ensure they reach them,
8. Research Note cards
The research process is not easy, nor is it easy to teach. Number two above suggested using Google Keep for bookmarking, but let’s take this a step further. Students can use Google Keep as their digital note cards, not only bookmarking, but adding notes, citations, page numbers, etc. What a great way to help streamline the research process.
9. Reading Logs
Reading logs are great for keeping accountable and tracking progress. Use Google Keep to log titles, dates and duration, the number of pages, or whatever else you normally have track on paper.
10. Group Projects
Collaboration has always been the number one feature of G Suite. No other product comes close! Google Keep is no different. When it comes to managing group projects, let’s give students the tools to succeed. Google Keep can help the group share and create notes, assign tasks, remember due dates, and hold each other accountable!
11. Mobile Voice Notes
Voice Notes is a feature available in the iOS and Android mobile apps (not currently available on the desktop version). This is a great way to take notes on the go, on a field trip, record word pronunciations, practice reading aloud for fluency, and more. Plus, voice notes can help some of people who struggle with writing and typing. Of course, voice recording is also a great way for our little ones to talk about their learning, tell stories, and leave notes.


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