5 Reasons Google Data Studio is Amazing

1. Multiple Data Sources

At first glance, we thought Data Studio was a nice alternative to the standard dashboard in Google Analytics. While it can pull in data from Google Analytics, the ability to customize and arrange the data takes it to a whole other level. What’s more, Data Studio allows you to pull multiple data sources into one place (not just Google Analytics). Some of the data sources that you can bring into Google Data Studio are:
  • Google AdWords
  • Google Analytics
  • Search Console
  • YouTube Analytics
  • SQL
  • And More
Data Studio also has many 3rd party “Connectors” that are available to connect with and pull data from. Some of the Connectors are:
  • Amazon Seller
  • Stripe
  • AdStage
  • Facebook Ads and Insights
  • DoubleClick
  • eBay
  • Twitter
  • And More
Overall there is massive value in being able to view multiple data sources in one place.

2. Data Studio is Customizable

Now that you have all of your data, it’s time to customize it. Yes! Data Studio gives you the ability to pull your multiple data sources into one customizable dashboard and lay them out in a visually appealing way. Some of the features of the dashboard:
  • Ability to pull in multiple data sources and report on the metrics that drive your business ROI
  • Brand it by changing colors
  • Easy drag and drop elements within the dashboard
  • Add and edit text
  • Customize data displays as bar graphs, pie charts, and more
  • Customize for easily save, email, and/or print PDF’s

3. Sharing & Collaboration

Collaboration within Google Data Studio is a complete time saver. Grant access to your team, set permissions, and at any moment they can view and contribute on any dashboard. Even if you have that old school team member you can easily save and share the dashboard as a PDF by email or printing it.
  • Grant access and set permissions
  • Edit and save in real-time
  • Make a copy of your own
  • Share the dashboard by email or print

4. Real-time & Filtering

Any time you check in on the dashboard it will be up to date. With real-time analytics someone on your team can do the heavy lifting in the beginning to setup the dashboard and only need to make little tweaks here and there to keep it reporting on what you would need. Furthermore, you can set up filtering and filter by User Type, Date, and other dimensions to see the exact data set you need to report on.

5. No Cost

Thats correct! Google Data Studio is free. Google is doing an amazing job building tools to make all of our jobs more efficient and we should take advantage of the tools relevant to our jobs.


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