Life at Finetech - Episode 4 - Software Engineering 1

In the case of consulting with 400+ organizations around Sri Lanka and abroad, explaining specialized difficulties for independent companies, and providing with significant solutions, we grow new business openings while expanding the utilization of our item offerings.

Finetech Software Team, is playing an important role in the field of business. Lets hear about the experience of the Software Engineering Team.

The team is crushing it — the road-map is clear, features are taking shape. The product manager is happy with the progress. Engineers are excited about their tasks upto now. Maintaining that rhythm is the first pillar of the tech lead’s job. Lets hear the story of Tech Lead @ Finetech.

Raminda Dayananda - Tech Lead

5 years of experience while achieving a Bsc Degree in Management and IT from University of Kelaniya, He is also an old Maliyadevian with passion and well known for undertaking and leading the software engineering team at Finetech.

Let's hear what Raminda says,

" It is really hard to describe a typical day as a Software Engineer at Finetech. Because when your daily work is creating products that can solve problems of most of the organizations across Sri Lanka, Bangladesh & Singapore. You cannot have a typical day here, I can assure you, every day at Finetech will be a new challenge. I have gained experiences from various kind of environments. And specially I would like to take a moment to appreciate my team for the massive support they are contributing. Sleepless nights and long days are remarkable. Plus, Finetech has given me the training experience at Google Singapore where I found so many solutions for some problems. Finally Finetech is a good place to work."

Chathurika Dias - Project Manager

Has obtained BSc (Hons) - Business Computing & Information Systems from University of Wales UK and also Miss Dias has gained professional qualifications in Project Management as well. Also she holds the record for the most talkative human at Finetech.

Let’s hear her story

First of all Finetech is a great place to work, we work with technology. It is something which keeps on changing everyday, so the Finetech family consist of people who are able to get adapted to that change, if not things are going to be bit harder. It’s been 3 years since I have joined Finetech, I’m very happy to be here and will serve Finetech in the years to come.

We are partnered with the most innovative and valued brand in the world, Google, to bring the best solutions to our customers in order to ensure that they are provided with nothing but the best in the world, state of the of the art solutions that cannot be expected from any other.

expand your vision with Digital Transformation 2018 hosted by Finetech   

Focusing not only on the product but also on its individual parts and pieces, you determine how long they will last, what environmental conditions they can stand up to, and what problems can occur in the course of using them. To accomplish this you need the Superb Quality Assurance Engineers. Lets see Venusha’s & Nilushi’s Story about being QA’s at Finetech.

Venusha Thiyagamani - Quality Assurance Engineer

One of the calm & quiet characters at Finetech. Has done BSc (Hons) Business in IT at University of Greenwich while achieving a HND at NCC and also has gained a certificate qualification in Multimedia & Web Applications.

This is what Venusha has to say about her experiences at Finetech,

“I joined Finetech in 2016, which I can say, a turning point in my life because the role of a QA Engineer was made much easier. Finetech has provided me with the space for innovation, and also gives a lot of training to get more knowledgeable. So after all it’s all about the quality of the product, we need to ensure that each and every software product is met with the quality expected by our clients.”

Nilushi Jayasinghe - Quality Assurance Engineer

Is a bachelor's degree holder in Information Systems from University of Colombo School of Computing. She has also earned a certificate level qualification in Graphic Designing.

Let’s see what Nilushi has to say,

We are very much focused on creating a quality deliverable. In other words, it is the responsibility of the QA role to make sure that the software development process doesn't sacrifice quality in the name of completed objectives. So we QA Engineers are totally focused on the quality. After all it’s our management, Finetech, that is very much concerned on this quality, so that’s why Finetech is such a nice place to work. Management is not only focusing on products but also on human resources. In simple words Finetech takes care of their clients & as well as their employees

Working at Finetech is a supreme experience. Professionally, you are constantly growing and evolving by tackling the most complex challenges imaginable and learning from your peers. You are surrounded with the different types of knowledge, talent, and passion that inspires you to do things that matter to you and to clients as a whole. You are able to ask anything from our heads and team leaders. You will learn and understand the capability of working with Google when you are here. It's all about gathering experience and keeping in touch with all the Google products and services.   

Before we end for today lets hear the role of a Business Analyst @ Finetech.                   

Dhanukshi Perera - Business Analyst


Has obtained her bachelor’s degree in 2016 in International Management & Business from Plymouth University UK. At the moment she is reading for Msc in Business Analytics at Informatics Institute of Technology affiliated to Robert Gordon University and also following a diploma at Association of Chartered Certified Accounts in Accounting & Finance. She is also the other record holder for the loudest laugh at Finetech.

Let’s see what Dhanukshi wants to share in her thoughts, about Finetech,

“I joined Finetech in 2017 after finishing my bachelors degree, I chose Finetech because i had a gut feeling that this is going to be the best place to grow my career. Because Finetech encourage us to learn new technology and provides us with best training to build up our exposure. I myself as a Business Analyst, my task of understanding changing business needs, surveying the business effect of those progressions, examining and archiving prerequisites and supporting the correspondence and conveyance of necessities with significant partners is professionally satisfying”

Well ! We would like to share the experience of some other fellow mates in Software Engineering in the next article. So please keep your fingers crossed.

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  1. Hai I am Chaitra working in Software Company in Karimnagar
    Very Informative article. thanks for sharing this post very helpful us

  2. This is a really excellent read for me. thanks for sharing this information. finetech


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