Key Results with G Suite

  • Increased revenue leading to additional bottom-line profit due to G Suite 

Organizations credited G Suite with fundamentally changing the way their employees work. This manifested into cultural shifts toward innovation resulting in employees feeling empowered to rethink established processes and improve the business. A chief of digital transformation in the financial services industry told Forrester: “Migrating to G Suite has enabled hundreds of initiatives in our organization. One of these initiatives has directly contributed to us achieving record sales year over year, and this is before even taking into consideration the productivity improvements we see from the collaboration tools.”

  • Improvements in end user and IT productivity 

Through G Suite’s robust set of collaboration tools and features, employees across organizations were able to collaborate better, streamline workflows, and perform work how, when, and where they were most productive. Additionally, familiarity with Google products resulted in a decrease in on-demand IT and help desk tickets. An SVP of technology in the automotive services industry said: “The impact on productivity and collaboration has been very good. People are realizing they can share information and collaborate across our 150 locations and with external parties with ease. It’s something seemingly so basic, but bringing people together has been very beneficial.”

  • Improved security with better protection against attacks

Consolidating data onto the Google Cloud significantly reduced the number of endpoints that needed protection and allowed greater control over permissions and access by leveraging G Suite’s admin tools; this reduces the overall attack surface. An SVP of technology in the automotive services industry stated: “We have much better visibility and control over our collaboration tools. We can see who has access to what documents, control how long they have access to it, who has the rights to share with which people, not share it, etc. We just didn’t have any of those capabilities before.”

  • Capex and opex savings 

Organizations noted that they have reduced capital and operating expenses as a result of the G Suite investment. Savings came from several areas, such as reduced number of servers and hardware maintenance, reduced corporate travel, and reduced legacy IT software license costs.

Feedback from high end customers

“Google’s name is synonymous with innovation. It sends a message to our employees
that we’re serious about changing the way we do business.”
-IT Director, CPG Industry-

“And again, I can’t reiterate enough, the biggest benefit we found is I was paying $300K
for an email spam filter before, but the Google spam filter is better. It’s so good that now
I’m just using the Google spam solution, while at the same reducing the number of
malicious emails reaching employees.”

-CISO, Government-

“The impact on productivity and collaboration has been very good. People are realizing
they can share information and collaborate across our 150 locations and with
external parties with ease. It’s something seemingly so basic, but bringing people together has been very beneficial.” 

-SVP of technology, Financial Services I,ndustry-



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